Kathi Love ’75
Kathi had been a long-time donor to the Associate Alumnae of Douglass College when she decided to take an active role working with our organization, and the AADC has benefited from her expertise.
For four decades, Kathi had built a distinguished career in media and marketing research, where she held executive positions at The New York Times, EMAP Publishing and The Magazine Publishers of America. She rose to become the first female President and CEO of the international company GFK MRI (formerly Mediamark Research), which she led for 13 years during a volatile time in the industry with the emergence of digital media. She was appointed as an Independent Director of the public company ComScore, Inc., and was named to the Market Research Hall of Fame in 2018. She now serves as president of her own company, Motherwell Resources, and is an accredited executive coach working with corporations to train their high level executives.
Kathi brought her extensive leadership experience to the AADC at the right time. We were seeking an experienced and accomplished leader to head our Strategic Planning Initiative, and Kathi fit the bill perfectly. Kathi brought unique and valued professional expertise to the AADC. Her skills included P& L success and managing people to perform optimally in the face of structural changes and business expansion.
Kathi’s work on Strategic Planning helped the AADC define a new mission and vision to serve alumnae better. It was a time of change for the AADC, and we were fortunate to have Kathi’s skills, insights and commitment to help us navigate the changes in a way that enhanced our programs to better serve alumnae.
After joining the AADC Board of Directors in 2014, she has created, chaired or participated in many of our most important initiatives. Today, in her second stint on the AADC Board, she serves her second term as Treasurer and as an ex-officio member of the Investment Committee.
Kathi was instrumental in creating our Douglass Alumnae Mentoring Program, a new program she chaired that matches alumnae paired as mentors and mentees, giving people with like interests or careers in similar fields the opportunity to work together to achieve professional or personal goals. The program was so successful that relationships established between alumnae of all ages have continued past the mutual commitment of the formal program. Several former mentees took on the role of mentors as a result of their appreciation of the program and their desire to give back. And when we ran short of mentors, Kathi stepped in to serve as a mentor to multiple alumnae.
Kathi feels so strongly about supporting women’s education that she established the Kathleen Love ’75-Virginia Mears Reeves Fellowship in 2022 to honor her life-long advocate. Virginia, or “Aunt Ginny,” a past president of the Merchantville/Pennsauken Chapter of the New Jersey Federation of Women’s Clubs, encouraged Kathi to attend Douglass College. “Her sense of humor, kindness, energy and love of life have greatly influenced me as well as many others,” says Kathi.
She has also graciously donated her time to conduct workshops at key AADC events, such as the Victoria Dabrowski Schmidt ’42 Workplace and Professional Development Symposium. Her presentations on relevant subjects, such as negotiating salary, are always well attended and highly appreciated.
Kathi graduated from Douglass in 1975 and majored in psychology and sociology. She earned a Master’s Degree in social psychology from Michigan State University and a Master of Philosophy in Psychology from the City University of New York. She has advanced to candidacy for a PhD. in social psychology. Kathi holds the Professional Coach Certification (PCC) from the International Coach Federation.
She was honored with the AADC Alumnae Recognition Award in 2019, and inducted into the AADC Society of Excellence in 2020 in recognition of her career and distinguished service to the AADC. Kathi has been named the 2023 recipient of the Margaret T. Corwin Award, the highest honor for service to the AADC, and was honored at the Awards Ceremony at AADC Alumnae Reunion Weekend on June 3.